1·He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2·The map even includes lines of latitude and longitude.
3·Why would anyone care about their exact latitude and longitude?
4·This data object merely wraps a pair of latitude and longitude values.
5·A simple regular expression is used to extract the latitude and longitude from the XML.
6·Version 0.2 added the ability to input locations of interest by latitude and longitude.
7·Latitude and longitude Numbers have a reasonable upper and lower bound for North America.
8·Notice how the latitude and longitude are used to create an instance of google.maps.LatLng.
请注意如何使用纬度和经度来创建google . maps . LatLng实例。
9·As mentioned above, you must assume that the source table contains latitude and longitude values.
10·The marker once again uses the latitude and longitude that you received from the geolocation API.
该标记再次用到从地理定位 API 接收到的纬度和经度。
1·Upgrading it to give the exact latitude and longitude of the collision wasn’t simple work, since Chesley had to factor in the spin, orientation and rotational wobble of the Earth at each moment.
2·Why would anyone care about their exact latitude and longitude?
3·Technically, Magnus is interested in location latitude and longitude, the user account ID, timestamps, and the relationships between these particular data.
从技术上讲,Magnus 关注位置经纬度、用户帐户 ID、时间戳和这些特定数据之间的关系。
4·To make things more interesting, let's enhance this XML with the latitude and longitude of each named city, using data from the GeoNames Web service.
为了让示例变得更有趣些,我们对此X ML进行增强,使用GeoNames Web服务的数据给XML附上每个指定城市的经纬度。
5·The Geolocation API, as proposed in the W3C draft, is a high-level interface to location information, such as latitude and longitude, associated with the device hosting the implementation.
W3C草案所提出的Geolocation API是个访问位置信息(如经纬度)的高层接口,该接口与实现设备紧密相关。